Thursday, May 25, 2017

Passion fruit, Grocery Shopping, License miracles and conference!

On Sunday there was a special stake conference broadcast for the Pacific Islands.  Wards and branch members from all over the island of Efate, the island we are on, came by vans that the church hired, otherwise they would not be able to get there.  The stake center isn't that big, so they put up two big tents and set up chairs. The church was also filled with members.   They had a small room with a TV for us to watch in English.  They had bislama translators for the members.  The speakers were Apostle Dale Renlund, brother Owen, YM General President and sister Carol McConkie, 1st councelor in the YW General Presidency of the church.  Sister McConkie is married to our stake president at home.  They spoke about being self reliant, paying tithing, keeping the commandments... things that needed to be talked about.  It was an outstanding broadcast.

Last night, which was Monday night, we had family home evening at the Sackley's.  They don't live in the apartments that the rest of us live in.  They live in a house that that requires a four wheel drive to get there.  The roads are soooo bad.  I think I told you that Elder Robison and I drive a four wheel drive Ford Land Cruiser.  Its a beast to drive.  I'm not sure I want to learn how to drive it, we'll see.  Back to family home evening.  We discussed the talks that were given at the conference for the lesson.  We then played,  game Family Feud.  We had two teams, and the questions were about temples and the Book of Mormon.  It tested our knowledge, and was alot of fun.  We then had homemade icecream sandwiches.  It was great fun.

Tuesday we went with Elder Rice to ATTEMPT getting our drivers licenses.  The reason I say attempt is because there is a gal that works at the desk in the police station that thinks you have to be in country 3 months before you can get your license, so if you get her, she won't help you.  You then keep coming back until you get the gal that knows the rules, and she will give it to you.  You must have copies of the following: regular drivers license from home, visa, passport, and pretty much a brib of $50.00 each.  Luck was on our side,  the right gal was there.  Yahooo! We weren't done yet though, after we paid our $50.00 each there, we then had to go to the drivers license bureau to get the actual license and pay another $50.00 each.  This place was under construction so we have to go back next Tuesday to get our picture taken and get our license.  So we paid $100.00 each for our license.  What a deal!!  Sister Davidson said she has never seen anyone get it done on the first try.   I feel like we should get a bottle of 7-UP and celebrate!!  That being said, we haven't got our license yet!

Elder Robison and I found a store here that sells some "Western Family" stuff!  We were so excited.  Just to let you know again how expensive it is to buy food here.  I will tell you some things we bought.  There's a lot of things you can't get here and if you can they're pricey.  Get ready - I bought a 21 oz can of Duncan Heinz cherry pie filling for $10.00.  When it's our turn for family home evening, I'm going to make my dessert with it.  A 20 oz can of cambells chicken soup $5.95, 3 rolls of paper towels $5.96.    Oh, and I bought two very small heads of romaine lettace at the Au Bon Marche  (because they were packaged together) for $10.00.  Just need to remember that everything has to be shipped.  When in season, we can get lettace, pineapple, mango and alot of other produce.  That won't be until December when it's summer.

Thursday we went to the mission office for a new comers orientation.  When we got there four sister missionaries had just arrived from the MTC (Mission Training Center).  They were some of the same missionaries that we were in the MTC with.  We didn't have to stay in the MTC in New Zealand as long as they did.  It was so fun to see them.   Sister Coroso is from Vanuatu and will serving her mission here in Port Vila, Sister Marvela is from Papua New Guinea and will also be serving here.  The two other Sisters are from French Tahiti, they are going to New Caledonia where they speak french.  The countries New Caledonia and Solomon Islands are part of the Vanuatu mission.  This same day the new mission nurse, sister Tucker arrived.  She is from St. George.  Sister Hill will be going home in three weeks.  
That night the mission president and his wife had us to the mission home for dinner.  What a beautiful home.  We had a little more orientation on what to expect  while were here.  It was very helpful.  We then had a taco dinner that was really good.  I also tried passion fruit for the first time.  It was tart, but I really liked it.  Fast forward to this morning (Friday).  We got up at 6:00am and played pickleball.  What a fun game.  This next week is going to be a busy week.  I'll be sure and tell you all about it.  For now, take care and know we love you all.  

Love Elda and Sista Robison


  1. Hello Robisons!! It's so great to "see" you on this great blog! We appreciate you darling people as you serve each day. You may have heard the latest.. but if not, we have a new Branch Presidency! We appreciate the "old" prescy (some of them staying). I started to type in the new names, but thought I'd (keep you in suspense) ask to see if it's okay to post them on here! Take care, and we'll stay in touch! Much Love, Nan & Les

  2. At those prices you are going to lose a lot of weight. How do the local's make it?


It’s hard to believe

We left our home away from home on Wednesday, 4 Oct, without a hitch.  It was smooth sailing all the way home.  We landed in Fiji, then on ...