Thursday, May 11, 2017

MTC Experience

Hello All,
This has been quite the experience here in the MTC.  We've been working really hard to learn how to be missionaries.  As I've said, we won't be proselyting missionaries, but we will have plenty of opportunities to share the gospel.  We've been doing some role playing.  Our instructor brought in two Tongan sisters for us to teach.  Janet was active in the church and her sister Kaitlyn was not active.  Sister Netooah, our instructor, told us that they volunteered to help out at the MTC.  She said that this was a real life situation, that Kaitlyn really was inactive.  So, we proceeded to talk with her to find out why she had gone inactive.  We talked with her about different gospel principles and what she could do to be happy.  I think we actually helped her.  We're not quite sure if they were a plant or not!  It doesn't really matter though those situations will happen. 
Last night we went to dinner with President and sister Howes, our mission president.  As I mentioned, we are the only senior couple at the training session.  It was fun to talk about our families and get to know them outside of the training environment.
Today we met with the Area Auditor, brother Glen Reid who is located here in New Zealand.  His wife was with him and what a sweetheart she is.  They taught us about  church records, and audited and what we need to know to fulfill our calling.  It was a little overwhelming, but we'll get it eventually.  The best part about it will be associating with the wonderful people in Vanuatu.
They took us to a mall for lunch, and this young girl just came up to us and hugged each one of us.  I think she saw our badges and loves missionaries.  That brought tears to my eyes.  I know that surprises you!  Tomorrow we are going to the Auckland Temple to do a session with brother and sister Reid.  I wish we could have attended the temple with the young missionaries today, but we had training to do.  It would have been so fun to go with them.
Saturday we are off to Vanuatu!  We will leave Auckland in the morning, have a three hour layover in Fiji and then to Vanuatu.  AWESOME!! 
We'll be back in touch when we get there!! 
We hope all is going well and know that we love you all very much. 
Much Love, Elder and Sister Robison

Time spent in MTC: 4 - 13 May 2017
Elder and Sister Robison outside the New Zealand MTC

Our MTC "Alma" District

1 comment:

It’s hard to believe

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