I thought I had better make a post on our blog to let you know how things are going.
The past five years we have been attending a branch at the Veterans Medical Center. We love our branch family so much. It was such an incredible blessing to have that calling. We want to thank you for the fun going away party that you gave us, which was hosted by the Bakers. We will never forget our time spent with all of you. XOXO
On Sunday, Apr 23, we had our farewell from the Garden Park Ward. We want to thank our dear family members and friends for their attendance. We enjoyed having our family at our home after for lunch. Tanku tomas (bislama) which means, "thank you so much," for the yummy food that you brought. I can't believe we'll be heading out for Vanuatu in a little over a week!!!! Yikes!! We are so excited though, and look forward to this wonderful adventure. We are anxious to serve our "brutas and sistas" in Vanuatu.
We're trying to get all the loose ends tied up and ready to go. We've been preparing for two months, and have things pretty well under control. We couldn't have done it without the love and support of so many. You know who you are!!!
Our next post will probably be from the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in New Zealand.
So for now "ta ta" (bislama).
Elder and Sister Robison
So for now "ta ta" (bislama).
Elder and Sister Robison